Meandre Technologie Torch Model UK
Meandre Technology is a new torch company from France. It is the result of several years of development by a small team of passionate skiers and cavers, experienced in the field of mechatronics industry and other outdoor engaged sports. They have developped a serie of conpact, powerful and waterproof torches designed for all your adventures.
Model UK:
Made in France but upgraded and tested in the UK by UK divers for UK diving.
The originial model was super impressive but needed a few adjustements so after testing it we sent it back to Meandre. They came back to us with a new model named the UK. Here is what they offer:
Meandre Technology Model UK have been designed for all diving activities, Recreational, Technical and Overhead.
The lamp of 3000 lumens (about 300W) weighs less than 600g. We offer a choice of battery pack, a version 3 cells 2.6Ah and a version 6 cells 5.2Ah for a range of 5 hours in full power and 140h on low (100 lumens) using the 5.2Ah battery. As our lamps were initially designed to withstand the constraints of caving activity we worked on the underwater pressure resistance part, putting every effort to obtain maximum reliability like: High-pressure box tests for cable glands, scrupulous respect of the standards concerning the dimensioning of the joint housings, simulation on a software of RDM (Resistance of the Materials) by an engineer materials for the push button and more.